Cloud Computing Services vs. On-Premise Computing Services

Ariba Khan
3 min readMar 14, 2021


Hey everyone! In this blog, I wanted to discuss Cloud Computing vs. On-Premise Computing. As well as, what is Cloud Computing and why it so talked about in the tech world?


Cloud computing allows you to only pay for what you use. Cloud computing also allows fast and easy provisions of scaling up or down. On-premise systems setups tend to cost most with lesser options. One particular issue with on-premise is the flexibility with scaling as well. For example, once you scale up it is hard to scale down.

Server Storage

On-premise systems need a lot of upkeep and maintenance to keep them running. They also tend to use a lot of space for all their servers. However, cloud computing solutions have their own server storage. These server storages can be offered by companies like Microsoft Azure, or Amazon Web Services, or Google Cloud Platform which manages and maintain the server.

Data Security

On-premise systems offer less data security. This is due to a combination of physical and traditional IT security measures that lack in many ways. Cloud Computing services offer much better security and avoid having to monitor and manage security protocols. Let’s say with an on-premise system there was some type of power outage that led to a lot of data loss. This data would be extremely difficult to recover. On the other hand, Cloud Computing services have extremely secure measures in place to retrieve lost data. This includes faster and easier data recovery.


On-premise requires many different types of teams to cover issues from hardware and software. This increases the cost by a lot. Cloud Computing services are maintained by the companies named above(Azure, AWS, GCP) which decreases maintenance costs drastically.

Cloud Computing- Deployment Model

Cloud Computing allows you to manage files and services through the internet in a cloud efficient model as oppose to on a local storage device. Cloud computing services are offered exclusively on the internet and are very cost-efficient. Cloud computing is made up of two different Models. The Deployment Model and the Service Model. The deployment model is made of up three different parts which include the Public, Private, and Hybrid Cloud. The Public cloud is available to the public by the cloud services mentioned above on the internet. The cloud service providers own these. The Private cloud is only used by a single organization- meaning all the cloud infrastructure belongs to that single organization. This can be managed by that single organization or even a third party. The Hybrid cloud is a combination of both public and private.

Cloud Computing- Service Model

The Service Model is made up of three parts the IAAS, PAAS, and SAAS. IAAS (Infrastructure as a Service) refers to infrastructure as a service where users can get access to basic computing infrastructure. This is commonly used by IT administrators. Local storage and virtual machines both tie heavily into this model. PAAS (Platform as a Service) provides cloud services for developing, testing, and managing the application. This allows users to deploy applications without the need to acquire, manage or maintain. PAAS is convenient in that you only need to handle the applications and data. SAAS (Software as a Service) involves cloud services for hosting and managing. By using SAAS, the cloud service provider handles all components of the solution required by the organization.

Check out the awesome video that explained this all in-depth here!

